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Gordonsville Little League

News Detail


Feb, 2023

Welcome to Gordonsville Little League



We are looking forward to a great season and are glad you have decided to have your child(ren) join us. We would like to invite you to attend our monthly board meetings held on the third Monday of the month at 6:30 PM at the Gordonsville Field House next to the concession stand. These meetings are open-forum style, and are a great way to share your suggestions, thoughts, and concerns with our members of the league. The decisions for the league are made during these meeting and we welcome your input.

VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED!! It takes a lot of manpower to run this league for our children including team parents, field maintenance, umpires, coaches, concession stand workers, scorekeepers, and announcers. Will you consider volunteering some of your time? The regular season lasts for a short time (April through June), but our league board members work all year long to ensure a great season each year for our children. If every parent works in the concession stand and in the press box at least twice during the season, all of the responsibilities will be met without being a burden on any one individual. As required by Little League regulations, all of our volunteers must complete a background check in order to work with our children.

The Board Members for the 2023 season are listed below. Throughout the year, if you need to speak with any of the board members, please feel free to reach them at the following numbers:

            President                                            Sheila McDaniel                     540-388-3308

            Vice President                                   Chuck Miller                           540-406-2033

            Secretary & Parent Advocate          Luke Smit                            434-242-3321

            VP Softball & Info Officer Rebecca Sellers                       [email protected]

            VP Baseball                                       Kendall Herring                      540-500-1084

            Safety Officer & Scheduler              Rebecca Gashlin                     540-800-6069

            Umpire-in-Chief                               Dee Turner                         305-788-4472

            Player Agent Softball                       Karen Stewart                         [email protected]

            Player Agent Baseball                      Brandon Pritchette                  434-326-2579

            Treasurer                                           Brittany Herring                     434-566-2144

TRYOUTS: will be held on Saturday, February 25, 2023, at Piedmont Sports Center at 9:00 AM. Please reserve Sunday, February 26, 2023, for make-up day, if needed.

PRACTICE/GAMES SCHEDULE: Practice schedules will be determined after all try-outs are completed and players are assigned to teams. Coaches will distribute game schedules closer to the Opening Ceremony.

OPENING DAY CEREMONY: will be held on April 8, 2023, at Gordonsville Little League with pictures starting at 8:00 AM and the Ceremony starting at 12:00 PM. We ask that all children be present in order to participate as each of the teams, players, and coaches are announced.

PARKING AT GORDONSVILLE: Please park in the fairground field or Gordonsville Fire Hall during practices, games, and events at Gordonsville Field. DO NOT park on the side street beside the ball field. The police will issue tickets. The area behind/beside the concession stand is reserved for coaches and umpires. During rain, please do not park in the fairgrounds. Please park at Gordonsville Fire Hall.

CHILDREN: Please do not allow your child to play on/in the batting cage. Also, we ask that no balls be thrown inside the fenced area. This is both a distraction for the players and a hazard for the spectators. Children are not allowed in the press box during games nor allowed to play in the bamboo dur to the number of foul balls that head that way throughout particular games.

SPECTATORS: Please DO NOT sit on the side street beside the ball field. All spectators must be within the fenced area where we have bleachers set up by the concession stand and going around the back of the field. Any spectator outside of the fenced area will be asked to come into the fenced area to watch their child(ren).

MISCELLANEOUS: Gordonsville Little League is pleased to maintain a tobacco-free environment. No pets are allowed within the fenced area. Please do not yell at or be disrespectful to the umpires or coaches as they are volunteers. We will not tolerate this behavior and you will be asked to leave the premises. We hope our Gordonsville Little League family will be respectful to all umpires, coaches, players, and any other volunteers on and off the field. Please remember, this is a family-oriented environment, and we are here to support our children.

Thank you in advanced for your involvement in Gordonsville Little League. We trust that our Spring 2023 baseball/softball season will be filled with wonderful memories of fun and learning how to play the game. We thank you for the opportunity to work with your child this season!
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